What was going on with the Internet in 2021Online sleuths worked with the FBI to help put people behind bars for their part in the January 6 Capitol Riots.Using programming and social media skills, the online sleuths became very effective at identifying specific rioters in the crowd. NBC reporter Ryan Reilly noted in his book Sedition Hunters, "Frankly, there are a lot of people who are behind bars today who would not be there but for these sleuths." Utilizing tools that were available to anyone with a computer Sedition Hunters examined still photos and video footage from publicly available sources, social media sites like Twitter and Parler, video platforms, and other sources. Then they submitted their research to the FBI in the form of a tip. During their search they gave the suspects names based on their dress or actions including "Black Bennie Lady," "Big Green Scream," Bubba Two Hats," "Blue Flag man," etc... |