City of Madison Facilities Use Agreement allowed for SupraNet to connect Madison water towers a fiber Internet connection.
Supranet Communications.

SupraNet Connects Madison Water Towers

In 2014 SupraNet secured a City of Madison Facilities Use Agreement that allowed the ISP to connect Madison Water Towers with a fiber Internet connection. This allowed the City of Madison to improve water utility metering and help better monitor water usage.

Starting in 2014 the water towers included:
  • WT#315 Cross Hill Dr. in 2014
  • WT#225 - 5815 Milwaukee St. in 2015
  • WT#126 - 910 S High Point Rd. in 2015
  • WT#120 - 2829 Prairie Rd in 2016
  • WT#113 - 1320 Lake View Ave. in 2016
  • WT#009 - Spaanem Ave. in 2017
Supranet Communications